Thursday, July 21, 2005

Bernie Ward Thoughts.

Bush only sent 14,000 troops into Afganistan to get Bin Laden, but for Iraq he had sent in 200,000.

Bernie reminds us that leading up to the war Bush told the American people the war was about getting weapons of mass destruction. If he had told the American people that the reason to go to war was liberation, no one would have supported him. The RNC was all about rewriting history. Today, the justification to go into Iraq was to liberate 50 million people.

Governator blunder
Even Swartzenegger rewrote history in his speech. Arnold recalled how he saw Soviet tanks rolling all over his country, and that his country was stagnant under socialism. The next day, historians had to correct him on both points. Arnold's Austria was under British rule, he could not have seen Soviet tanks. The ruler was not a socialist neither. Afganistan Bernie calls Afganistan a catastrophic disaster. Children there are being hunted for organ donations. Women are treated as bad or worse now in the north of the country. No money is being spent there, Afganistan is not much of an oil interest.

Bernie also made the point that 56,000 Americans died in Vietnam. The point of the war was to stop the domino effect - the idea that if Vietnam fell to Communism, next would be its neighbour, and so on and so on. Well, as Bernie goes on, Vietnam did fall to the Communists. Communism never did spread to places like Thailand. The domino theory was wrong. The 56,000 Americans died for no reason. We should not forget this. War should never be made unless for self defense. Clearly Vietnam was not for self defense, and neither is Iraq.


At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one is better at making republican callers look stupid. If come at Bernie with talking points you better be ready to back them up.

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Mike V. said...

Screw the RNC talking points, we want Bernie's talking points!
A faithful internet listener in San Diego.

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad that Bernie fans have a blog...

Like Bernie but I wish he would excoriate Sen. Feinstein for her tacit support of John Roberts...

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Mike V. said...

Does this mean we're part of the Liberal Media?
I will post talking points to the left on my blog as well, and have linked back to here.

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernie is a far superior host than any host on Air America. He simply delivers the goods with no frills.

Also, when discussing reasons for going into Iraq, Bernie is one of the only people in the media that mentions Israel as one of neocons' reasons for going into the war. (Not even Ray bothers with this subject).

At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernie is such a pompous ass that loves the sound of his voice, and probably thinks after his daily bush-bashing rants that he has actually achieved something helpful to society, which I believe he has not. I think he gets off on being able to 'debate' some callers where he simply paints all into corners with his assinine process; Hey, maybe I could debate you and have reported facts at my fingertips to prove my argument, but I have a fulltime job and a life you horses-ass, and sure maybe if I could spend my whole day researching what's going on in the world and not worrying because I'm getting paid to do it, then I could be as smug as you. Sure, you get descent coin to do what you're doing, but seriously, after listening to you, you'd think that George Bush couldn't tie his goddam shoe. Ray is not much different. I support my Commander in Chief, in all times, and I'd rather take the fight to them instead of here. Bernie is a big, I mean huge bag of hot air, and sometime I really cannot follow his train of thought, and I consider myself an intelligent person. Thanks God I don't work in an industry where you think of people in those circles almost like baseball players and you think you know or can pretend to read what actions will happen next based on your opinion, as if it really mattered. One day you'll be invited not to grab a mike.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Mike V. said...

Uh, based on your post, I don't think you can follow you OWN train of thought.
The bombings in London proved one thing, genius, they can STILL bring the "fight" here.
Get a grip on things, read a little more and stop watching Fux News for God's sake.

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, since you'd rather "take the fight to them instead of here," do let us know when you are enlisting...

ps- did my time in the US Navy.

pps- Bernie ROCKS!

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good liberal sites like do a good job of presenting the anti-war argument. Michael Moore has plenty of great links showing how bad of a mistake the war is: soldiers against the war, soldier families against the war, casualty recognition, deception campaigns, etc. But what's missing is a "plan," such as the Bernie Ward Iraq Plan. Having such a plan circulating the blogs will bring momentum to the "get out of Iraq" movement.

I think Bernie needs to put his plan in writing, and get it published online through the blogs. Present it on a nice website and you'll have a bunch of sites linking to it and thousands reading it.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Dale Goodrich said...

Hi Zeta

I agree, Bernie needs to start blogging. I sent him an email with some of the comments listed.

I have always said that if I win the lottery, I am giving Bernie 1 million dollars to write a detailed book on PNAC.


At 3:16 PM, Blogger Dale Goodrich said...

Hey All;

After creating this blog I did not see a post the first few days and gave up. I just came back to this site and saw everyones post. I will keep this blog up and running now that I know people are interested.

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

skotie1 has gotten me to listen to Bernie's archives. It's nice to know that there is someone out there who is voicing many of my opinions but with the research to back them up. I just hope that the road on which the Bush administration has placed us isn't a nonstop drop into the bowels of hell. My worst fear is that someday the rest of the world will turn on the U.S. in retribution.


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