Friday, January 20, 2006

Matthew's compare Osama to Moore!

On Bernie’s Jan 79th show he said:

· "Matthews compare Osama Bin Laden to Michael Moore. Now I know that Matthews is a right wing catholic, I know that he’s on the air to be more right wing then anything else or he won’t be on the air. But all I ask you to do is insert President Bush, Insert Vice President Cheeny, insert Condolisa Rice, or insert Limbaugh, or Oreilly, or Hannity and what would happen to Matthews. If Matthews had said today, to Biden, “Gee, this tape today from Bin Laden sounds like an over the top Rush Limbaugh” What do you think would be happening to him tomorrow. What do you think the right wing Echo machine would do to Matthews if he were comparing Limbaugh to Osama Bin Laden? What do you think is going to happen to him for comparing Michael Moore to Osama Bin Laden? You might want to think about emailing Mr. Matthews, …, it would be nice if Mr. Matthews received some email raising questions about what is the comparison between Michael Moore and Osama Bin Laden"

So here is Chris Matthew’s email:

Lets compare:

· Uses Force to resolve issues: ---------------- Makes Movies to resolve issues
Ø Bush, Cheney, Bin laden -------------- Michael Moore

Please post with your additional comparisons:


At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Osama is using the left wing playbook. i think that is what Matthews was getting at.

At 6:57 PM, Blogger Dale Goodrich said...

I got an idea. Use the Bernie plan to bring all troops out of Iraq by the end of 2006. Shouldnt be to hard to find Bin Laden with 150,000 troops on the Afgan\Pakistan boarder


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