Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What Scott really meant.

The Question:
· I have two questions that can be dismissed with a yes or no. One, is the President going to seek any legal -- more legal permission from Congress to spy on Americans without a warrant? And two, does he think, does he believe that his new designation of the spy program, terrorist surveillance, will tarnish people who are spied on and are guilty or not guilty?

What Scott said.
· Let me take the first part of your question, and I think it's important to give a clearer picture of where things are with the American people, and so I want to make a few comments about it.

What Scott really meant:
· Ok, let me start by rambling off a bunch of talking points. As you are well aware, I will just keep talking for a while and will never actually get to answering your question.

The Question:
· I want to know where you stand --

What Scott said:
· And I'm going to do that. I've already previously answered this question with reporters and stated our view; the Attorney General stated it earlier today in some interviews. This is an important tool that helps to save lives by preventing attacks. It is a limited, targeted program aimed at al Qaeda communications, as the President pointed out yesterday. This program is focused only on communications in which one person is reasonably suspected of links to al Qaeda or affiliated terrorist organizations. And it involves international communications. I reject your characterization to suggest it's domestic spying. That's like saying someone making a phone call from inside the United States to another country is a domestic call. It is billed the international rate and it is labeled --

What Scott really meant:
· And I’m going to do that. I’ve already previously answered this question with reporters and stated our view; the Attorney General stated it earlier today in some interviews. Actually, there are many of people who have been instructed to state these views over and over again. Are view is that we Save lives, prevent terrorist attacts. Al Qaeda, bad, boogeyman! Gonna get ya. BOO!

The Question:
· The law says he has to seek a court warrant.

What Scott said?
· it is labeled an international call

What Scott really meant:
· If you are calling to someone outside of the United States, you better believe we are going to track your call. It is labeled a Boogeyman call.

The Question:
· Why doesn't he seek a warrant? What's the big problem?

What Scott said.
· Well, actually, we've walked through this repeatedly over the last few days. It's important for the American people to understand what the facts are. There is a lot of misinformation about -- this program. And we do use the FISA tool, as well. That's an important tool, as well. But we have briefed members of Congress more than a dozen times on this. We continue to brief members of Congress in an appropriate manner. This is a highly classified program and it is a vital program to our nation's security. The 9/11 Commission criticized us for not connecting the dots

What Scott really meant:
· Well, actually, we’ve tried to muddy the water as much as possible the last few days.. It’s important to make the American people as confused and uninformed as possible. If they knew the facts, that we did not get a warrant because no court in the world would approve it, they would never support it. And we do use the FISA tool as well. That is an important tool as well, but under the FISA law, we are not allowed to keep tracks certain peace groups or political groups. This is a highly classified program, and is vital to ensure the republican rule. Oh yhea, one more thing, 9/11 was Clintons fault

The Question:
· Why can't he seek a warrant? He doesn't have a blank check

What Scott said.
· And we talked with members of Congress about whether or not there needed to be legislation that reflects what the President's authority already is, and the congressional leaders felt that by doing so it could compromise this program. This is a vital program and it's important that we don't show the enemy our playbook. And talking about it --

What Scott really meant:
· Well we told a bunch of old fossils in the senate. We made sure it was double double super secret, and of course use language that even the must knowledgeable lawyers would have trouble understanding. This is a vital program and it's important that we don't show the enemy our president’s coloring book.


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