Drudge say Clinton protester was also escorted out! Only one problem ..

Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war activist who was removed from the House gallery last night before the State of the Union address for wearing a t-shirt with a political message, is not the first person to be tossed from a Congressional gallery at a high-profile event for wearing a political t-shirt.
In the early days of the Senate's impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton in January 1999, a Pennsylvania man named Dave Delp was removed by the Capitol police from the Senate gallery for wearing a t-shirt that said, "Clinton doesn't inhale, he sucks."
The Pennsylvania school teacher was yanked out of a VIP Senate gallery and briefly detained during the impeachment trial for wearing a T-shirt with graphic language dissing President Clinton.
Delp, 42, of Carlisle, Pa., and a friend had just settled into their seats when four Capitol security guards approached them. Delp said at the time that he was ordered to button his coat and follow the guards. Outside the chamber, he was told "several people felt threatened by your shirt."
Even after establishing that Delp was a guest of Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), the guards wouldn't let him back in and escorted him to a basement security area, where they questioned and photographed him.
After being given one of the photos as a souvenir, Delp said he was banned from the Capitol for the rest of the day. "They were polite and professional," Delp added, "but they really did scare me. I think I should have been given the chance to cover up."
Here are the differences between what happened to Sheehan and what happened to Dave Delp
1: Cindy Sheehan was at the State of the Union Address. Dave Delp was at the Impeachment trail. Now I am not a lawyer but I do know there is a difference between a trail and the State of the Union Address.
2. Cindy Sheehan was arrested. Dave delp was escorted upstairs, asked a few questions, then released. He was banned from coming back for the rest of the day. He even got souvenir photo's given to him
Now I don't agree with how they handled Dave Delps situation but let one thing be very clear, it is very different from what happen to Cindy Sheehan and what is happening to hundreds of people across the U.S. whenever the y tried to protest this president.
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