Verizon's response to my complaint email regarding NSA
Dear M. Morrison,
Thank you for contacting the Verizon eCenter. My name is Wendy, and I will be handling your request today.
This message is in response to your email dated May 11, 2006. You inquired about the NSA article. I understand this is important to you. I will be happy to assist you.
We appreciate that the USA Today article and other reports about the possibility that the NSA is able to analyze local call data records is causing concern. Please be assured that Verizon places the highest value on protecting the privacy of our customers.
Anything to do with the NSA is of course highly classified, so we can not comment on whether or not the news article causing concern is even accurate. But we can say that, to the extent that we cooperate with government authorities, we are confident that we are complying with all applicable statutes. We appreciate the continuing opportunity to provide you with service.
It has been my goal to resolve your reason for contacting us. I hope I have succeeded in meeting that goal. If you have additional questions or if we may be of assistance to you in the future, please let us know. We look forward to serving you.
Thank you for using Verizon. We appreciate your business.
Verizon eCenter
Thanks Bernie. This reply by Wendy at the Verizon eCenter is typical: "we cooperate with government authorities" in ALL instances even when they are WRONG! case in point of when the IRS asks a bank to freeze an account, the bank CAN say: Where is your OMB#? [from the Office of Management & Budget*] to consider the "request" bootleg and be DENIED, but is the bank "consumer friendly"? No! they bend over backwards.
The same goes for the PUBLIC NSA and their request for PRIVATE records. "Just say No!" is what the phone companies ought to be doing when the gov't comes calling without the proper paperwork: an Order from the Court in either a sealed or unsealed case file.
What we need to have these phone companies put in writing for us customers is NOT a statement that "we are complying with all applicable statutes" as some statutes may be unlawful as against the constitution, BUT that ALL requests from ANY gov't agency will be considered "unreasonable" withOUT a Court Order" in writing that the request is actually an Order from proper authority AND in the proper form* (as Bush is the Commander-in-Chief for the Military but NOT us civilians!), and so our rights to privacy against executive gov't intrusion either barricaded or allowed by a proper check and balance in this third branch of government, the judiciary, to judge this before it reaches us in the fourth estate!
It can be promising !
See you
It can be promising !
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