Bernie Ward Thoughts.
Bush only sent 14,000 troops into Afganistan to get Bin Laden, but for Iraq he had sent in 200,000.
Bernie reminds us that leading up to the war Bush told the American people the war was about getting weapons of mass destruction. If he had told the American people that the reason to go to war was liberation, no one would have supported him. The RNC was all about rewriting history. Today, the justification to go into Iraq was to liberate 50 million people.
Governator blunder
Even Swartzenegger rewrote history in his speech. Arnold recalled how he saw Soviet tanks rolling all over his country, and that his country was stagnant under socialism. The next day, historians had to correct him on both points. Arnold's Austria was under British rule, he could not have seen Soviet tanks. The ruler was not a socialist neither. Afganistan Bernie calls Afganistan a catastrophic disaster. Children there are being hunted for organ donations. Women are treated as bad or worse now in the north of the country. No money is being spent there, Afganistan is not much of an oil interest.
Bernie also made the point that 56,000 Americans died in Vietnam. The point of the war was to stop the domino effect - the idea that if Vietnam fell to Communism, next would be its neighbour, and so on and so on. Well, as Bernie goes on, Vietnam did fall to the Communists. Communism never did spread to places like Thailand. The domino theory was wrong. The 56,000 Americans died for no reason. We should not forget this. War should never be made unless for self defense. Clearly Vietnam was not for self defense, and neither is Iraq.